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Image by Dan Meyers

SEPTEMBER 29, 2024


Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

Opening Prayer  Mary Ann Moerman

Reading   "It's not what you want"  Stephanie Heffelfinger

Solo "Til The Storm Passes By" Cindy Wells

Prayer Concerns   Dave Langley

Congregation Hymn "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms" Pg. 363

Lesson  "God Said No!"  Norma Walker

Hymn "Now I Belong to Jesus" Pg. 538

Sermon  "The Blessing" (Numbers 6:22-27)  Pastor Ken Bish

Closing Hymn  "The Blessing" Kari Jobe

Closing Prayer  Pastor Ken Bish

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