SEPTEMBER 15, 2024
Our limitations are not obstacles for God. Faith is not about having all the answers, but about trusting in the One who does. Sometimes, all it takes is a willingness to offer what little we have, and God will multiply it beyond our wildest dreams. May we learn to see our challenges through Jesus' eyes, trusting that He can turn our meager offerings into miracles that feed the multitudes.
Opening Prayer Mary Ann Moerman
Choir "Heavenly Medley"
Reading "Church Dedication Anniversary Prayer" Sue Carroll
Solo "Fear Not My Child" Cindy Wells
Prayer Concerns Dick Rae
Congregation Hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers" Pg. 132
Lesson "We Survived" Norma Walker
Hymn "Blessed Be The tide That Binds" Pg. 135
Sermon "Celebrate Hope" (Romans 5:1-11) Pastor Ken Bish
Closing Hymn "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" Cindy Wells, Janet Ley
Closing Prayer Pastor Ken Bish